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We Offer Specialized Training Opportunities for Members

Utility employees have specialized jobs that require unique training. FMPA’s training programs are designed to fit the needs of its members and provide resources at an affordable cost.

Lineworker Safety Program

Linework can be hazardous, so it is essential for electric utilities to have a safety program. FMPA has a Lineworker Safety Program that provides high-quality safety meetings at an affordable price for utilities of all sizes. FMPA contracts for regular safety meetings delivered on location at FMPA’s participating member. The safety meetings are held 10 times per year to reinforce safe working practices and share best practices.

Lineworker Training

FMPA offers access to vocational training programs for developing highly skilled lineworkers. The multi-year programs for both Apprentice and Advanced lineworkers provides self-study modules and in-person, hand-on learning opportunities at locations in Florida. The specialized programs are designed to help develop lineworkers throughout their careers. Training programs include:

Certification Programs

FMPA provides continuing education and professional development opportunities to its members. These courses enable professionals throughout the power industry to build new skills and earn certifications. Available certification programs include:

Regional Safety Training

FMPA offers regional training opportunities for utilities in similar areas to meet and discuss common issues. The regional safety training sessions create the opportunity for the whole organization to participate in a program that takes the safety dialogue to entirely new levels.

Electric Utility 101 Training

Do you have an employee that is new to the industry who needs a basic understanding of electric utility fundamentals? Is your staff looking to broaden their horizons on all aspects of the industry? Our tailored Electric Utility 101 Training is designed to provide attendees with a clear and concise understanding of the basic components of running an electric utility. The course takes places in a highly interactive environment that allows attendees the opportunity to ask questions and learn from one another along the way. FMPA can design this training to meet the specific needs of your utility, covering as broad or as specialized set of topics as desired.

FMPA provides affordable and high-quality training tailored to members’ needs.

Substation Training

FMPA’s Substation Training series provides courses designed for personnel who work in and around substations. The courses provide participants with in-depth instruction on substation-related topics and are tailored to the specific equipment of the attendee’s utilities.

Craft and Management Training

FMPA members have access to a wide variety of utility craft and management training programs. FMPA makes available to its members all the training programs offered by the Tennessee Valley Public Power Association. FMPA members can access these programs at TVPPA’s member-discounted price.

Workshop Topics Requested by Members

FMPA offers workshops on a variety of topics. Potential training subjects can include subjects such as storm preparedness, T&D switching and reliability-related discussions. Members can contact FMPA’s staff to request training on a specific topic. 

To view upcoming trainings, visit our events calendar.

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