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Operations Support

Teamwork Enhances Utility Operations

FMPA provides operational support services to help its members enhance the efficiency of their electric systems.

Peer Review

Members can request a team of subject-matter experts from other municipal utilities to review its operations and offer suggestions. The multi-day review performed by peer experts typically focuses on a particular functional area, like operations or customer service. The review team provides observations and recommendations on policies, procedures, operations and more.

Operations Review

A one-day operational review performed by FMPA can assess aspects of a distribution system, such as system condition, reliability enhancements, business processes, staffing and more. This no-cost consultation process can help validate opportunities to enhance operations.

Offering Support to Make Our Members Stronger

checking electrical meter

Power Quality Investigations

FMPA can help members respond to power quality concerns with the equipment and expertise to analyze a range of potential service issues.

Hurricane Assistance

FMPA offers assistance to members after hurricanes. The Agency can provide personnel to help with damage assessment, managing the restoration process, FEMA documentation, coordinating logistics, emergency procurement and public information.

For more information on Operations Support, please contact us.

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