Powering Florida’s Cities with Clean Energy
Providing clean electricity is an important priority of FMPA’s along with making the power affordable and reliable. FMPA has an exceptionally clean fleet of power plants with emissions levels that are significantly below the U.S. average.
In addition, FMPA’s current generation fleet has a low carbon footprint. We have decreased our carbon dioxide emission rate by 34% from 2005 and, and that rate is expected to further decline as FMPA and its members add large-scale solar power farms.

Large-Scale Solar
Customers want clean power. It’s FMPA’s job to meet this expectation without sacrificing cost and reliability. To meet customers’ expectations, FMPA created large-scale solar farms to provide zero-emission solar energy that is competitive with other types of power generation.

Energy Conservation
The cleanest kilowatt-hour is the one that doesn’t need to be generated. Customers can reduce their monthly power bills with energy-saving measures and efficiency rebates with FMPA’s Energy Conservation Program. Watch our conservation videos to save money on your bill.

Rooftop Solar
FMPA supports rooftop solar systems. A net-metering program allows customers to connect their system to the electric grid and offset their electric usage. If the system produces excess energy, the energy is delivered to the local utility’s distribution system and netted against their bill.