
Communicating Effectively with Utility Customers Training


The Communicating Effectively with Utility Customers course uses group activities to help you learn and grow as a communicator in various situations. The emphasis is placed on creating and recognizing the time to create a memorable experience for the customers. This course is designed to be available for all levels of utility employees. This is a NASBA approved class. The instructional delivery method is “group-live.” You will receive 14 CPE credits in the Communications field of study. The program level is Intermediate. There are not any prerequisites for this course.

The program is part of Tennessee Valley Public Power Association’s (TVPPA) Certified Power Supervisor (CPSv) program.

Certified Power Supervisor (CPSv): TVPPA’s Certified Power Supervisor curriculum is designed for public power distribution system supervisory personnel. This course of study focuses on how to reduce employee grievances, customer complaints, absenteeism, job-related accidents and turnover. CPSv is made up of 9 core classes and participants have 4 years to complete all the necessary classes.

Courses to Complete to Earn CPSv Certificate:

  1. Buddy-to-Boss with Succession Planning
  2. Fundamental Supervisory Skills
  3. Goal Setting and Planning
  4. Interpersonal Supervisory Skills I
  5. Communicating Effectively with Utility Customers
  6. Interpersonal Supervisory Skills II
  7. Interpersonal Supervisory Skills III
  8. Bridging the Generation Gap
  9. Making Performance Appraisals Matter

Participants may complete the course as a standalone course outside of pursuing CPSv certification.

Morning snacks and lunch will be provided.


June 2, 2025 - June 3, 2025
8:30 am — 3:30 pm
8553 Commodity Circle, Orlando, FL 32819


Cost: $500 per person
Deadline: May 29, 2025
Contact: MacKayla Cross

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Communicating Effectively with Utility Customers Training — June 2, 2025 - June 3, 2025

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