Utility Supports Central Florida’s Largest Community Volunteer Event
FMPA assists Help Now of Osceola through United Way’s Day of Caring
ORLANDO, Fla., Sept. 28, 2015 – Employees of Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) volunteered at Help Now of Osceola, a domestic violence shelter and advocacy center in Osceola County, Fla. The project was completed Sept. 25 as part of the Heart of Florida United Way’s Day of Caring, Central Florida’s largest community-wide volunteer event.
“Supporting our neighbors is a significant part of our culture,” said FMPA General Manager and CEO Nicholas P. Guarriello. “Locally owned electric utilities, like FMPA and its members, are proud to serve communities and contribute to their well-being.”
This is FMPA’s seventh year partnering with Help Now of Osceola. FMPA’s project this year included planting a vegetable garden for residents. FMPA staff helped with weeding, raking and mulching. They also performed furniture maintenance, organization and routine maintenance of Help Now’s facilities.
“There’s no better time to help than now and no better place than Help Now. They’re bringing much needed help and hope to Central Florida families,” Guarriello said.
Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) staff and a retiree volunteered on Sept. 25, 2015, to help clean the Help Now of Osceola facility, a domestic violence shelter and advocacy center in Osceola County, Fla.
FMPA employees volunteered to help create a vegetable garden for Help Now Osceola, this was the seventh consecutive year FMPA has participated in United Way’s Day of Caring, Central Florida’s largest community-wide volunteer event.
FMPA staff supports Help Now of Osceola, where they helped with weeding, raking and mulching.
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Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) is a wholesale power company owned by 31 municipal electric utilities. FMPA provides economies of scale in power generation and related services to support community-owned electric utilities. The members of FMPA serve approximately two million Floridians.