Utility Brightens Life for Neighbors in Need
FMPA employees’ acts of kindness give back to the community year-round
ORLANDO, Fla., Dec. 15, 2014 – A bicycle for a child living in foster care. A safe place to sleep for a survivor of domestic violence. A meal for a child with special needs. These small acts of kindness add up to big results when people work together to give back to their neighbors.
Employees of the Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) donated time, goods and money throughout 2014 to make life brighter for their neighbors.
“Charitable giving and volunteerism are a tradition at FMPA,” said FMPA General Manager and CEO Nicholas Guarriello. “Service to our neighbors is one of the things that unites our employees and makes FMPA a great place to work.”
FMPA employees organized frequent fundraisers and other activities throughout the year to support neighbors in need, including:
- Granting the holiday wishes of 80 Central Florida children. FMPA employees collected several car-loads of gifts for the Children’s Home Society of Florida, an organization that protects children at risk and strengthens families. Donations included 12 bicycles, seven tricycles, nine tablets, three pairs of “Air Jordan” sneakers, and more than $1,000 worth of gift cards. This is FMPA’s 16th consecutive year of participation.
- Raising $15,655 in 2014 to support charities, including Heart of Florida United Way, The Russell Home for Atypical Children, and Children’s Home Society.
- Collecting nonperishable food items to support the Russell Home year-round.
- Performing maintenance work at Help Now Osceola, a domestic violence shelter and advocacy center in Osceola County, Fla.
“With approximately 70 full-time employees, our staff may seem small, but together, we can make a big impact in our community,” said Guarriello.
Employees of the Florida Municipal Power Agency organized the Agency’s 16th annual holiday gift drive for the Children’s Home Society.
Florida Municipal Power Agency’s staff of approximately 70 full-time employees donated gifts for 80 children in need and raised $15,655 for local charities in 2014.
Florida Municipal Power Agency employees purchased and assembled 12 bicycles and seven tricycles for its 2014 holiday gift drive.
“Charitable giving and volunteerism are a tradition at Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA),” said FMPA General Manager and CEO Nicholas Guarriello. FMPA’s holiday giving in 2014 included gifts for 80 children and a $1,000 check for the Russell Home.
Donations to FMPA’s 16th annual holiday gift drive included 12 bicycles, seven tricycles, nine tablets, three pairs of “Air Jordan” sneakers, and more than $1,000 worth of gift cards.
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Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) is a wholesale power company owned by 31 municipal electric utilities. FMPA provides economies of scale in power generation and related services to support community-owned electric utilities. The members of FMPA serve approximately two million Floridians.