New Power Plant in Osceola County to Begin Testing Phase
Nearby residents can expect more sound and steam than normal for about 10 days
ORLANDO, Fla., Jan. 31, 2011 – A power plant under construction at the Cane Island Power Park in Osceola County, Fla., will undergo a short-term testing phase scheduled to begin Feb. 4 at the earliest that will temporarily create more sound and steam than normal.
The power plant is nearing the end of its construction and is transitioning to start-up activities. As part of that process, the generating unit will blow high-pressure steam through its pipe system. In this testing mode, the steam will be vented from the pipe, which will create a loud noise, similar to a jet engine, and a plume of water vapor that might be noticeable to residents in Intercession City. This testing phase is not representative of how the unit will normally operate.
The testing phase is currently scheduled to begin Feb. 4 at the earliest, and the steam blows will intermittently last for about 10 days, assuming all goes as planned. To minimize impact on local residents, it has been decided that testing will be limited to the hours between 7 a.m. and sunset.
When testing is complete, the power plant will operate within all permits required by Osceola County, including sound restrictions. A natural woodland buffer that exists around the plant site helps minimize sound impacts. The generating unit being added to the existing plant site will not noticeably increase ambient sound levels in the area. It is expected that the generators when operating under normal conditions will not even be audible at residences nearest the plant.
Known as Cane Island Unit 4, this natural gas fueled power plant incorporates advanced environmental control technologies that will make it one of the lowest emission and highest efficiency plants in Florida.
The unit is wholly owned by the Florida Municipal Power Agency. It is being constructed by Zachry Industrial Incorporated and will be operated by Kissimmee Utility Authority.
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Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) is a wholesale power company owned by 30 municipal electric utilities. FMPA provides economies of scale in power generation and related services to support community-owned electric utilities. The members of FMPA serve approximately two million Floridians.