Audit Response Makes Additional Progress
Agency continues to address Auditor General’s findings promptly, thoroughly
ORLANDO, Fla., July 30, 2015 – Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) provided to the Florida Auditor General yesterday a voluntary 120-day status update on FMPA’s response to the Auditor General’s 15 operational audit findings.
FMPA’s governing boards and member utilities take very seriously the findings of the Auditor General and are committed to addressing each recommendation in a prompt and thorough manner. As of July 29, 2015, FMPA’s governing boards have completed work on six audit recommendations (Findings No. 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11) and the Agency expects to have all of them complete by the end of the calendar year.
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Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) is a wholesale power company owned by 31 municipal electric utilities. FMPA provides economies of scale in power generation and related services to support community-owned electric utilities. The members of FMPA serve approximately two million Floridians.