Taylor Energy Center Receives Proposals for Power Alternatives
March 20, 2006 – Taylor Energy Center received two proposals in response to a request for proposals seeking sources of electrical power as potential alternatives to building a coal power plant. Requesting alternative power supply options is a normal part of the process prescribed by Florida law to determine the most economical option for providing needed electricity to consumers.
Both proposals were submitted by Southern Power Company, a subsidiary of the Southern Company. The first proposal is to provide 797 Megawatts using Supercritical Pulverized Coal technology at a plant that would be located at Taylor Energy Center. This is the same technology, fuel and location that are proposed by the Taylor Energy Center. The second proposal is to provide 784 Megawatts using a natural gas-fired, 2-on-1 501 G combined cycle plant located in St. Lucie County, Fla. Both proposals are for a 20-year term, beginning June 1, 2012.
Evaluations of the two Southern Power Company bids are proceeding. Final results are expected within 10 to 12 weeks.
The Taylor Energy Center is a proposed state-of-the-art 800 Megawatt power plant to be located in Taylor County, Fla., near the city of Perry. It will help meet Florida’s growing energy demands and diversify the types of fuel that are used to generate the state’s electricity supply. This $1.5 billion project will create 1,500 construction jobs and 180 permanent jobs. The plant will be jointly owned by four community-owned electric utilities: Florida Municipal Power Agency, JEA, the City of Tallahassee, Fla., and Reedy Creek Improvement District. Additional information is available on the Internet at www.taylorenergycenter.org.