
City Officials Elected to Lead Statewide Committee

Committee fosters communication between power agency and public officials

ORLANDO, Fla., July 24, 2015 – Local elected and appointed officials from throughout Florida elected two of their own yesterday to lead the Florida Municipal Power Agency’s (FMPA) Policy Makers Liaisons Committee.

Mike Perri of Fort Pierce was elected as Chair, and Matt Thro of Town of Havana was elected as Vice Chair for 2015-2016. They will lead the Committee in its mission of fostering communication between public officials and FMPA, their wholesale electricity provider.

This is Perri’s first term as Chair. He previously served two terms as Vice Chair, and he has been a member of the Policy Makers Liaisons Committee since 2010. Perri is Vice Chairman of the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority.

This is Matt Thro’s first term as Vice Chair. He has been a member of the Policy Makers Liaisons Committee since 2012. Thro is Councilman for the Town of Havana.

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Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) is a wholesale power company owned by 31 municipal electric utilities. FMPA provides economies of scale in power generation and related services to support community-owned electric utilities. The members of FMPA serve approximately two million Floridians.

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